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News from St. Mary's, Tilston and St. Edith's, Shocklach - May 2024

I have always liked reading the Peanuts cartoons. They make me think, revealing Biblical truths, albeit often in non-Biblical ways!
As we go through life, perhaps there may be times when we show the mean natured side of our character, often in little ways – we refuse to let the car waiting in the side-road into the stream of traffic; we turn away from the down and out asking for our small change. I am sure we can all think of little acts of kindness that we have failed to do.
Yet, we are all capable of showing kindness – offering to buy shopping for a frail neighbour; spending time listening to someone who is anxious, even though we might have a hundred and one things to do. Again, I am sure you can think of others.
Ironically, it is during these acts of kindness that we often feel most fulfilled. We may even feel uncomfortable in some way when have turned away from doing the kind act. Indeed, I would go as far to say that we may even feel blessed ourselves when we bless others . Perhaps God, seeing our response to others in need, blesses us in our needs.
The Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament is full of wise sayings; yes, some rather antiquated, and from a different time, but many of value today.
I particularly like Proverbs 1: 7 ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.’ Fear in this context meaning reverence of God (not being afraid of God in some way). And listening to him, as he pricks our consciences, may be the start of blessing others, but also receiving blessings ourselves.
God bless,
Tim and Norma

Published 06/02/2024

Proverbs 11: 25 and 1:7
“Proverbs 11: 25 ‘The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed.’ Proverbs 1: 7 ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.’ “